Staying Warm in Winter: Tried-n-Tested Tricks for Older People – Infographic

Winter. The season of cheer, Christmas decorations and gifts under the tree. Of warm family reunions, sparkling parties, hi-fashion partywear. But, as the years creep on, the cold seeps into your skin, the dampness takes away all the cheer, and the loveliest idea isn’t partying but snuggling under a warm quilt!

Yes, winter cold can be tough on older people as they struggle to stay warm and keep the house and garden protected too. Roll the cursor around this detailed infographic for tried-n-tested tricks to stay cozy and happy. Hot cocoa tops my list. What’s yours?

The Ultimate Winter Toolkit For Older People:

Staying Warm in Winter: Tried-n-Tested Tricks for Older People - Infographic

Infographic by – Age UK

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