Why Everyone’s Going Ga-Ga Over Infrared Saunas: 10 Amazing Benefits – Infographic

As a person who’s determined to stay healthy and fit, you already know the benefits of sauna as a popular method of post-exercise relaxation, sweating away the stress and exhaustion. But, do you know the huge difference in impact between a wet and dry sauna?

One half-hour session sitting comfortably in a dry sauna burns 400-600 calories. Compare this to peak effort rowing (600 calories) and a vigorous match of racket ball (510 calories)! And that’s just the beginning! Read on to understand the remarkable potential of dry saunas for holistic health and fitness.

Why Everyone’s Going Ga-Ga Over Infrared Saunas: 10 Amazing Benefits - Infographic

Infographic by – UK-Saunas

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