How Compression Therapy Can be a Boon for Extreme Localized Pain – Infographic

What is Compression Therapy? The simplest example is what you do when someone gets hurt and is bleeding profusely – you apply strong pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding! In the same way, compression therapy is when you apply pressure to an extremely painful zone, like in arthritis, varicose veins, etc.

Compression Therapy is extremely useful in non-medical conditions like athlete fatigue after high-intensity training, or to prevent deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) in frequent flyers. This infographic discusses the varied benefits of this therapy, and the different compression garments for this purpose.

Who Can Benefit from Compression Therapy?

How Compression Therapy Can be a Boon for Extreme Localized Pain - Infographic

Infographic by – Lymphedema Products

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