Legionnaire’s Disease: Everything You Should and Must Know – Infographic

Legionnaire’s Disease – what’s that, you may ask, and rightfully too, given that this is a little-known, rare disease! The truth, however, is that it’s more common than we think – according to research, there are, probably, 100,000 cases annually in USA itself! This is a disease that is often misunderstood for pneumonia, therefore, under-reported or mis-reported.

Read this infographic carefully to know all the facts about Legionnaire’s Disease – how to recognize the symptoms, where it is found and how it spreads, risk factors, etc. Understanding the dangers, and its difference from pneumonia, will keep you alert.

Legionnaire’s Disease: Everything You Should and Must Know - Infographic

Infographic Source: What is Legionnaires’ Disease? by Legionella Control

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