Warning: Prepare for a World Choked by Plastic! – Infographic

Look around – you’re surrounded by plastic. Human endeavor to create an easier world with time-saving devices has resulted in some fantastic inventions like Styrofoam cups, polyester and spandex garments, plastic grocery bags, polypropylene bottle caps, etc. Of course, our wonder invention – plastic – was so strong and solid, that a 1976 Olympics coffee cup actually washed up intact in 2016, 40 years later!!

Here’s an infographic that highlights the time it takes for different plastics to decompose, if at all! A clear warning to each one of us – be careful or watch your planet perish.

Warning: Prepare for a World Choked by Plastic! - Infographic

Infographic Source: How Long Does it Take Plastics to Break Down? by Alan’s Factory Outlet

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