Bring the Future Home: 12 Unbelievable Gadgets You Can Buy Today – Infographic

In the 1800s, Jules Verne, one of the most prolific and inventive science-fiction writers of all times, wrote a book called From the Earth to the Moon. A century later, it was fact. In 1953, Ray Bradbury’s dystopian classic Fahrenheit 451 described little seashells that brought an electronic ocean of sound, music and talk. 5 decades later, the iPod made personal sound a reality.

These are just two examples from an almost constant flow of futuristic ideas into reality. This infographic showcases another 12 amazing gadgets that technologists and engineers have made happen!

12 Unbelievable Gadgets From The Future You Can Buy Today:

Bring the Future Home: 12 Unbelievable Gadgets You Can Buy Today - Infographic

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