8 Begets 788: The Amazing Stories of Top Entrepreneurial Families – Infographic

Iconic Disney characters are enmeshed into the childhood imagination of billions. However, did you know that the original Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio started in 1923 has grown into a behemoth today, comprising 207 businesses?! Likewise, the flagship Trump real-estate enterprise that was also started in 1923, is now a collective entrepreneurial conglomerate of 269 businesses!

This infographic maps the phenomenal growth of these and other ‘entrepreneur’ families, who grew from strength to strength, inventing new pathways with their inventive talent, creating employment opportunity for thousands, and fueling the entrepreneurial dreams of many more.

Get To Know The Top Entrepreneurial Family:

8 Begets 788: The Amazing Stories of Top Entrepreneurial Families - Infographic

Infographic by – FXTM brand

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