One of the most important tasks of sales managers is ensuring that their sales efforts are producing the best outcomes for their business. If not, it is also their responsibility to identify the weakness of their sales strategy and make the necessary adjustments to improve their sales outcome for the next period.
This process of determining where the business currently stands vs. where it needs to be in the future – sales-wise, is called sales performance analysis. While the name itself sounds quite straightforward, sales performance analysis often tend to be an involved and complex process.
It takes a great deal of critical thinking and analytical problem solving to figure out what to improve, change, or build in a sales operations. But when done right, it can help the business create a more enticing sales offering, increase sales on low-volume products, improve pipeline management, and ultimately drive and close more deals.
To learn more about the basics and significance of conducting sales performance analysis in your business, check out this infographic from Kona.
Infographic Source: The What, Why and How of Sales Performance Analysis by Kona