Tablets, Books or e-Readers: Which One Best Suits You? – Infographic

For the few of us that still share a passionate affection for reading in today’s mind-numbingly stagnant world of social media, we are left asking ourselves one question. E-Readers, Tablets or the good old fashioned book to satisfy our cravings for literature.

With so many variables that could influence one’s decision from price, functionality, storage, size, digital library selection, battery life and so on. It can be an arduous process, given the number of products on the market. Or should we say it was, as we’ve compiled together all the information you could ever need to choose the one that’s right for you.

Let’s take a look decision tree: buying guide E-reader:

Tablets, Books or e-Readers: Which One Best Suits You? - Infographic

Infographic by – NetbookNews

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