Watch for the Bumps: 23 Surprises You’ll Face When You Start a Business – Infographic

You have incubated and nursed your entrepreneur dream for a long, long time, and now it’s ready to be born. You’ve made long, copious planning docs and fine tuned the expenditure heads. You’ve also worked out how to optimize your time so that you don’t lose out on personal time.

Unfortunately, nobody told you that 100-hour workweeks may become the norm! That, start-up costs cannot be written in stone. That, you won’t really be your own boss – the customer is genuinely king! Be better prepared– note the 23 surprise variables in this infographic.

23 Things Nobody Tells You When You Start A Business:

Watch for the Bumps: 23 Surprises You’ll Face When You Start a Business - Infographic

Infographic by – SilverDoor

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