Big Brother is Watching You: Scorecard of Censorship and Surveillance Around the World – Infographic

Human Rights is indivisible from human life. So, as a digitized world transforms the patterns of human living, the definition of human rights too inevitably transitions – the ‘world-wide-web’ pushes us towards an unfettered world without physical, social and mental barriers. Human rights incorporate concepts like internet freedom and security, freedom of expression and right to privacy.

However, this new fabric of society is threatened by political or religion motivated internet censorship and surveillance. Here’s a visual scorecard of nations that stalk their citizens in different degrees, willfully abusing human rights.

Big Brother is Watching You: Scorecard of Censorship and Surveillance Around the World - Infographic

Infographic Source: Which Countries Are the Worst-Rated for Censorship and Surveillance in the World? by Security Baron

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