Feel Sad in Winter? The Diagnosis is S.A.D. – Infographic

Feel down in the dumps in winter? You’re not alone: 1 in 5 Americans suffer from what is termed the winter blues, or seasonal depression. Worse, 5% of Americans suffer from a more dysfunctional malaise referred to as Season Affective Disorder (S.A.D), the symptoms of which range from mood swings, fatigue and depression, to disbalanced sleep rhythms, body temperature and blood pressure.

What are its causes? A primary cause is the continuous lack of sunshine, leading to low Vitamin D, therefore, suppressed melatonin levels. Read all about S.A.D, and how to beat it, in this detailed infographic.

S.A.D. Tech: Treating Your Winter Blues

Feel Sad in Winter? The Diagnosis is S.A.D. - Infographic

Infographic by – Best Health Care Degrees

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