Unbelievable but True: How to Solve the Rubik Cube in 20 Moves or Less! – Infographic

43,252,003,274,489,856,000. In simpler terms, 43 quintillion. That’s the number of possible configurations there are for the Rubik Cube! It would take a computer around 35 years to test all the configurations. Naturally, it’s going to take you a little more than that – around 1400 trillion years is more likely!

Even the cube’s inventor, Mr. Erno Rubik, took a little over one month to solve what he himself had created! But, you now have the secret in your hands. Follow the 20 moves shown in this infographic and see what happens!

Rubik Cube Solved In 20 Movements Or Less:

Unbelievable but True: How to Solve the Rubik Cube in 20 Moves or Less! - Infographic

Infographic by – Fixr

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