The Right Order to Layering Makeup: A Concise Guide – Infographic

Did you know that ‘makeup’ has a 7000-year history and is considered to be one of the earliest rituals of human culture?! In fact, it was once referred to as the ‘medicine of beauty’! Of course, there’s also the anti-makeup history – Queen Victoria is said to have declared it ‘vulgar’!

Today, women see immense value in makeup to present their best ‘face’ to the world, and a gigantic cosmetic industry is built around this need. But, how and in what order do you use the many types of skin makeup? This infographic is a valuable guide.

Layering Basics: Are You Using Makeup in the Right Order?

The Right Order to Layering Makeup: A Concise Guide - Infographic

Infographic by – Alyaka

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