Redefining Skill Sets for Success: What the Future Workforce Needs to Develop – Infographic

Automation is making steady inroads into almost every stream of functioning in an organization – in 2018, 29% of task-hours were performed by machines. What’s more, it’s a steadily rising graph, with automated task-hours increasing to 42% by 2022. Ergo, almost half the task-hours earlier done by human brains will become machine-led!

Where does that leave the future workforce? Will they lose out on employment opportunities because of machines? Not at all! What’s required is a change of focus to skill sets like oral communication skills, critical thinking, etc. Read on for more.

Changes in the workforce – What skill will it take to get hired?

Redefining Skill Sets for Success: What the Future Workforce Needs to Develop - Infographic

Infographic by – Bongo

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