Top of the Perennials: The 10 Best Perennials – Infographic

Perennial plants get their name not because they live forever, but because they have a longer life span than ‘annuals’ or ‘biennials’. Perennials are known to have strong, hardy roots that will grow every year without reseeding. But what makes perennial plants truly wondrous is their amazing versatility, and the riot of colors they unfailingly bring to your garden.

Whether it’s the beautifully scented Lavender, the bright yellow, summery Rudbeckia, or the gorgeous Japanese Anemone that delight even when all others die out – perennials are perfect for any garden. Here’s a top-10 listing to choose from!

Top 10 Easy To Grow Perennial Plants:

Top of the Perennials: The 10 Best Perennials - Infographic

Infographic by – Thompson & Morgan

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