How First Impression = Lasting Impression = Positive and Strong Relationships – Infographic

Guess how long it takes to form impressions about a person’s trustworthiness? Believe it or not, 1/10th of a second! To form a lasting ‘first impression’ of someone’s intelligence and attractiveness? 30 seconds! That’s the power of non-verbal cues which can instantly affect perceptions.

Creating a positive first impression is the key that sets the tone for any relationship – whether it’s with a college professor, a date, or a prospective employer. Read on for 10 valuable tips on how to create a lasting ‘first impression’ that sets a positive tone for the future.

How to Make a Good First Impression (Without Appearing Desperate):

How First Impression = Lasting Impression = Positive and Strong Relationships - Infographic

Infographic by – On Stride Financial

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