Every Wrinkle Fact Ever in This Comprehensive Wrinkle Guide – Infographic

Fact One: Watching TV causes wrinkles? That’s right…sit more than 30 minutes in one place, and sugar starts depositing in your cells causing increase in fine lines and wrinkles!

Fact Two: The normal action of repeated contracting of facial muscles causes wrinkles too!

Fact Three: There’s nothing exceptional in wrinkles, they’re a standard by-product of the passage of life!

This infographic answers any question you ever had on wrinkles – how they form, types of wrinkles, wrinkle-forming habits, skincare routines, etc.  But always remember, to quote the mega-beautiful Jennifer Aniston: Wrinkles happen to human beings. Period.

Everything You Possibly Need to Know About Wrinkles:

Every Wrinkle Fact Ever in This Comprehensive Wrinkle Guide - Infographic

Infographic by – Venn Healthcare

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