The Dark Side of the Net: Internet Crimes and the Havoc They Wreak – Infographic

There’s a dark side to everything – the moon, clouds, nature’s lurking shadows, passion, the demons that wage war within our hearts and minds. Famous philosopher, Carl Jung, once said with reference to human behavior:  No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. So, as our world races ahead at an ever-faster pace, opportunities for crime also expand and escalate.

The Internet is a great example. Scams, hacking, fraud, virus attacks, extortion, stalking, piracy, money-laundering, trafficking, the evil uses of the internet are manifold, the destruction immense.

Internet Crimes: What You Get Locked Away For

The Dark Side of the Net: Internet Crimes and the Havoc They Wreak - Infographic

Infographic by – HostGator

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