26 Vibrant Fruits and Veggies for Vibrant and Healthy Smoothies – Infographic

Nothing beats a cool smoothie on a warm, summer day – its packed with delicious fresh flavors that can really rev up the senses and feeling of well-being. However, a tall breakfast smoothie sets the pace for the day not just for its delicious fruity notes, but because it is packed with health benefits!

There are certain fruits and veggies that can really amp up a smoothie, both in taste and goodness. Beets, pomegranates, turmeric, spirulina, coconut water…check out the list of fabulous ingredients that make fabulous smoothies and get you ready for a fabulous day!

26 Powerful Ingredients to Supplement Your Smoothies:

26 Vibrant Fruits and Veggies for Vibrant and Healthy Smoothies - Infographic

Infographic by – AAA State of Play

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