How To Serve Up A Super-Stylish Cheese Platter – Infographic

The two words that perfectly describe a person who serves up cheese platters is “posh” and “gourmet”! That’s why a cheese platter is a great start to a sophisticated meal. The problem is that there are cheeses and, then, more cheeses. Names such as Gouda, Camembert, Chevre and Blue Vein stylishly roll off the tongue, but what is the taste and texture of these cheeses, and how are they best served?

Here’s an introduction to the some of the best cheeses in the world, and a gourmet guide on how create a cheese platter with a ‘wow!’ factor!

How To Serve Up A Super-Stylish Cheese Platter - Infographic

Infographic by – PartSelect & Ghergich & Co.

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