How to Retrieve Lost Luggage: The Ultimate Guide – Infographic

Imagine this scenario: You’re patiently waiting at the luggage carousel waiting for your bags. You see a bag crawling towards you that looks familiar, but no! The wait continues. Steadily, the passenger crowd thins out and, then, there’s only you, staring anxiously at the moving track. Soon, that too stops! My luggage!?!?!?!

If there’s one irritant that completely destroys your mood while traveling, leaves you feeling angry and helpless, it’s discovering that your bags have vanished. Don’t panic! This infographic tells you exactly what steps to take, and how to be better prepared for such accidents.

Lost Luggage: The Ultimate Guide To Finding Your Missing Belongings

How to Retrieve Lost Luggage: The Ultimate Guide - Infographic

Infographic by – SilverDoor

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