How to Build a Trust Bridge for Your Brand: The 5-C’s Method – Infographic

Trust divide vs trust bridge: two sides of the same coin. But, it makes all the difference between a connected, loyal consumer, and a suspicious, disengaged one. And, unfortunately, recent research has shown that, for the first time in 17 years, the trust barometer is negative across all institutions – business, media, government and NGOs.

This infographic discusses the many reasons for this downslide, and why it’s critical that all stakeholders take actionable steps toward rebuilding credibility and repairing the trust deficit, using the 5 C’s – Content, Communicate, Community, Constant and Context.

Build Brand Trust with These 5 C’s:

How to Build a Trust Bridge for Your Brand: The 5-C’s Method - Infographic

Infographic by – LinkedIn

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