How to Become a Scriptwriter: Series of Winning Tips – Infographic

An unbridled passion for moving works of art, and pictures that tell more than a thousand words: that’s the first requisite. The second is to learn from the greats and not-so-greats, to watch and observe as much as you physically can. Third, never settle for less, work on fine-honing your script ceaselessly. The famed Robert Wise said this more simply: My three Ps – passion, patience, perseverance.

Here’s an infographic that is a must-save for all students of film-making, story creators, scriptwriters – because, in a nutshell, it gives you every important pointer and golden rule there is!

Brilliant Tips for Winning Film Script Writing:

How to Become a Scriptwriter: Series of Winning Tips - Infographic

Infographic by – Script Writing

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