Food Delivery 2.0: How Online Delivery is Changing the Game – Infographic

There was a time, distant years ago, when food delivery meant friendly neighbors dropping by with platters of recently baked goodies! Or, you asked the neighborhood pizzeria to send a 12” home, which the owner delivered on his own bike!

Then, in 1994, the first online order happened – pizza from Pizza Hut. Today, 25 years later, online food delivery has become the norm, and the industry has grown manifold, with a phenomenal growth rate, as demonstrated in this infographic. So unstoppable is the trend that dine-in restaurants are predicted to lose over 70% of business!

How Online Food Delivery Is Reshaping the Restaurant Industry:

Food Delivery 2.0: How Online Delivery is Changing the Game - Infographic

Infographic by – GloriaFood

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