How Generation-Z Will Give New Definition to Their World – Infographic

The generation that was born between 1997 and 2010s. The newest entrants to the workforce, as the oldest of this generation start to graduate. The first hyper-connected generation – 98% own a smartphone, 92% have a digital footprint, 80% feel physical and mental distress if kept away from electronic devices!

Here’s a comprehensive introduction to Gen-Z, their socio-economic, demographic parameters, their psychographic profile. Most critically, for marketers, the strong, defining differences between them and their predecessors, the Millennials. No way can they be lumped into the ‘aspiring young adults’ bracket –generation is breaking the formats.

The Workforce’s Newest Members: Generation Z

How Generation-Z Will Give New Definition to Their World - Infographic

Infographic by – ZeroCater

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