How to Give Your Diet a Health Boost with Avocados – Infographic

What comes to your mind when you think avocado? Guacamole? Summer salads? Pasta with creamy avocado sauce? Truth is, the buttery-smooth texture, nutty-flavor and gorgeous color makes this fruit the perfect ingredient for many amazing dishes.

However, the icing on the avocado cake is that every bite of this fruit is packed with healthy nutrients – it’s high on healthy fats, phytonutrient compounds, carotenoids, glutathione, and at least 20 vitamins and minerals. In short, a fighter-fruit that can give your diet a solid health boost. No wonder the avocado is classified as a Super-food!

Health Benefits of Avocados:

How to Give Your Diet a Health Boost with Avocados - Infographic

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