Fun Facts About Gen Z and How It Impacts Marketing to Them – Infographic

Fun Fact 1: Gen-Z’s (those born after 1997) have an amazing attention timespan of 8 seconds! In percentage terms that’s 33% less than their predecessors – the Millennials – whose attention timespan is 12 seconds.

However, the ‘big’ mistake most marketers make is by viewing Gen-Z behavior through older generation framework – thus, while 8 seconds may seem a ridiculously small timespan, for the Gen-Z’s it works perfectly because they’ve developed awesome filtering skills. Therefore, for marketers to effectively reach the Gen-Z consumer, they have to look through their eyes, as discussed in this infographic.

Ultimate Guide To Marketing To Gen Z:

Fun Facts About Gen Z and How It Impacts Marketing to Them - Infographic

Infographic by – Campaign Monitor

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