Bring the Birds Home: How to Build a Good Birdhouse – Infographic

Birdhouses, or nesting boxes as they’re also called, provide a safe space for birds to build their nests, and protect their young from unpredictable weather and predators. But that’s just the obvious pragmatic reason. What about the joy of observing their carefree flitting, or listening to their musical birdsong in your garden? Or knowing that they’re actually protecting your garden from pests?

This infographic highlights the features of a good birdhouse and demonstrates how to build it as your next D-I-Y project. Call it a labor of love. It will be well worth the effort!

Features of a Good Birdhouse – Give a Bird a Home!

Bring the Birds Home: How to Build a Good Birdhouse - Infographic

Infographic by – Capital Garden Services

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