From Lemon to Super-Lemon – 31 Amazing Ways to Use a Lemon – Infographic

That gorgeous lemon in your fridge just had a makeover! That’s right! Like Superman, you now have Super-lemon – a fruit with special powers that can sparkle your bathroom, shine copper utensils, remove rust stains, destroy weeds in your plants, whiten your teeth…the list of a lemons usefulness is almost never-ending!

Check the infographic to see 31 different ways why a lemon is a must-have ingredient in your home – not just to add zest to cooking, but as a home remedy for illnesses, a cleaning and polishing agent, and a natural beautifier.

From Lemon to Super-Lemon - 31 Amazing Ways to Use a Lemon - Infographic

Infographic by – On Stride Financial

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