Lost Your Precious Mobile Phone? Don’t Sweat! – Infographic

In 1973, Motorola launched the first handheld mobile phone, the size of a largish size-10 shoe and weighing 1.1 kilos! This contraption, however, changed the course of history and the future of communication! Today, just 45 years later, it has almost become an extension of human attire, with 5 billion people owning a mobile connection!

Of course, the fact that it’s a palm-sized mobile also means that there’s a high risk of losing your phone! Fortunately, advanced mobile technology ensures that you can track and protect the contents of a lost phone, as demonstrated in this detailed infographic.

How To Find Your Stolen (or) Lost Android Phone:

Lost Your Precious Mobile Phone? Don’t Sweat! - Infographic

Infographic by – Redbytes

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