How to Create Stand-Out-In-The-Crowd Facebook Advertising – Infographic

An old trick, while planning media for an advertising campaign, was to blitz the market, saturate media channels with your creatives. But, this was before the proliferation of social media, and the fine-tuned target audience that it offered. However, if you look at Facebooks immense reach, it’s equally possible to have an unfocussed campaign, despite being in a niche media!

This infographic discusses how to plan for a successful Facebook campaign, from research insights to creatives and copy, to call-to-action power words. Most importantly, how to stop the ‘Facebooker’ in their tracks, as they mindlessly scroll newsfeed!

How to Create Stand-Out-In-The-Crowd Facebook Advertising - Infographic

Infographic Source: How to use Facebook Advertising to generate leads & sales for small local businesses by Ice Cube Marketing

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