Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, If You Want to Eat Them, Here’s What You Do! – Infographic

You love experimenting with new food ideas and have watched TV shows of renowned chefs creating culinary magic using different kinds of fresh and dried flowers. When you walk into a food store, your eyes are instantly drawn to the colorful displays of red, pink, blue and purple dried petals. – perfect for use in salads, cakes, even cocktails.

Now, bring them home, and start creating your own exquisite dishes and drinks – this infographic explains the flavor palette of 15 popular flowers and how to use them.

Edible Flowers: 15 Blooms that You Can Eat

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, If You Want to Eat Them, Here’s What You Do! - Infographic

Infographic by – Flower Patch Online Delivery Philippines

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