Drowsy Driver Traffic Fatalities: State and County-Wise Statistics – Infographic

From 2012-2016, 3,666 people lost their lives because a driver fell asleep at the wheel! In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a whopping 16.5% of fatal accidents happened due to drowsy drivers. A frightening statistic that points to the very real problem of more and more people driving even when they’re bone-tired, with low levels of alertness.

This US Map shows state-wise records of fatality caused by drowsy drivers. While there’s no correlation, it’s interesting that Texas is miles ahead with 23.9%, and has 16 of the 30 most traffic fatality counties!

Where You’re Most Likely To Be Killed By A Drowsy Driver:

Drowsy Driver Traffic Fatalities: State and County-Wise Statistics - Infographic

Infographic by – Mattress Clarity

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