Doggie Racial Discrimination: Why Pit Bulls Aren’t a Public Health Threat – Infographic

Dogs are a breed apart – they lavish unquestioning love on their owners, they’re cut and adorable, and they have heart-melting doggie eyes. And then, there’s the pariah in the dog family – the Pitbull Terrier. A breed that’s shunted to shelters 4 times more than other breeds, that’s generally perceived to be ‘dangerous’ and ‘unsafe’, that even has special legislation banning it!

This infographic evaluates the case for and against pit bull terriers, and the unfairness of the stigma that surrounds them: in reality, they’re better behaved than the Chihuahua or the Dachshund!

Doggie Racial Discrimination: Why Pit Bulls Aren’t a Public Health Threat - Infographic

Infographic by – Online Masters In Public Health

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