Disaster Can Strike at Any Time: Be Prepared with Disaster Kits – Infographic

Disaster never comes with a formal invitation! You really never know when it can strike, and how…it could be natural disasters like floods, earthquakes or tornados, or it could be man-made, like power outages, industrial accidents or even terrorist attacks. Anticipating the risks helps you prep ahead. To quote Benjamin Franklin, by failing to prepare you’re preparing to fail.

This infographic lists all possible essentials and how to pack them systematically into a disaster backpack. Keep these ready-to-use and easily accessible at all times. Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark!

How To Build A Disaster Kit For Your Family:

Disaster Can Strike at Any Time: Be Prepared with Disaster Kits - Infographic

Infographic by – SurvivorsFortress

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