7 Baby Steps to Long-Term Wealth: Dave Ramsey’s Plan – Infographic

Ever watched a baby learning to walk? That first hesitant step, the quick plop down – I can’t! Then, the determined stand-fall-stand-put one-foot forward, then the next and, before long, the first baby steps become a smart, confident walk – I can!  That’s exactly the way with money management – learning to save, invest, build wealth.

Dave Ramsey, America’s trusted radio host on money matters, brings you the 7-Steps plan for budgeting, becoming debt-free and building wealth. This infographic presents the plan highlights in a concise format. Save it. Pin it. This shortcut is going to be worth it!

Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps:

7 Baby Steps to Long-Term Wealth: Dave Ramsey’s Plan - Infographic

Infographic by – Golden Financial Services

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