Of Cybercrime, Cybercriminals and Trillion Dollar Losses – Infographic

In common parlance, the term cyber is associated with anything that is futuristic, or computer-related – popularized through future-centric TV shows, movies and comics. Words like cybercrime or cybercriminal can be fit into the same box as cyber-friend, cyber-snob, cyber-pet, etc. In real terms, there is no common ground whatsoever – cybercrime is very real, vicious, and causes enormous losses to the global economy.

In fact, in 2019, the cost to the world economy could be well over 2 trillion dollars! What drives cybercriminals? Who are they as people? This infographic tells the stories of some these cybercriminals.

Cybercrime and Punishment Around the World:

Of Cybercrime, Cybercriminals and Trillion Dollar Losses - Infographic

Infographic by – Cartwright King

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