Is the Cost of Childcare in the United States Spiraling Out of Control? – Infographic

Here’s a scary statistic: according to a recent nationwide survey, child care is becoming increasingly unaffordable to over 70% of American families! In fact, they’re paying out 10% of their annual income only on child care costs.

Take a look at the statistical highlights in this infographic, where some uncomfortable realities get underlined: In Washington D.C, for example, a minimum-wage worker will have to work full-time for 54 weeks (that’s more than a year’s weeks!) to afford annual child care services, simply because the average price is whopping $1866 per month!

The Cost of Child Care in the United States:

Is the Cost of Childcare in the United States Spiraling Out of Control? - Infographic

Infographic by – PlaygroundEquipment

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