Why Getting Rid of Nasty Pests in Food Businesses is an Imperative – Infographic

Rats, mice, flies, cockroaches – just the presence of these nasty pests can make you feel yucky and unclean, fearful of whether they have contaminated foods. And your sense of horror is justified: these pests can carry and spread a huge number of parasitic worms, bacteria, viruses, even human pathogens like Salmonella, Hantavirus, etc.

It’s imperative, therefore, for food businesses to be alert to the dangers and take immediate corrective action. This infographic highlights the many hazards associated with these nasty and dangerous pests and how to ensure a safe, healthy environment.

Common Pests in Food Supplies:

Why Getting Rid of Nasty Pests in Food Businesses is an Imperative - Infographic

Infographic by – Marks Pest Control

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