Guidelines for Choosing Your eLearning Outsourcing Partner – Infographic

That eLearning is the future is a truism borne out by the galloping growth of this sector – it is forecast to reach $325 billion by 2025, a three-fold jump in 10 years! More importantly, this stupendous growth highlights another huge fact: eLearning is fast becoming the new normal, the most efficient, value-added and cost-friendly method of delivering learning capsules.

The question is how do you choose the right out-sourcing enterprise partner for the development of customized e-Learning programs? Since there is no dearth of vendors, the guidelines provided in this infographic will help you make an informed decision.

How to Find the Right eLearning Outsourcing Partner?

Guidelines for Choosing Your eLearning Outsourcing Partner - Infographic

Infographic by – CommLab India

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