White Hat Hacker: The Career Opportunities in Ethical Hacking – Infographic

The word ‘hacker’ immediately brings to mind a mysterious, mean-looking, malicious black-hatted guy out to steal data for personal gain, and compromise systems – the reason why this cyber-criminal is called a Black Hat Hacker. But, there’s also the White Hat Hacker – who ‘hacks’ into systems with the intention of finding loopholes, so they can be blocked off.

The White Hat Hacker’s role is to risk-assess and protect – making them the ‘ethical’ or ‘good guys’ of the hacking world, and much in demand. Ethical hacking offers strong career opportunities, as discussed in this infographic.

What Does it Take to Be an Ethical Hacker?

White Hat Hacker: The Career Opportunities in Ethical Hacking - Infographic

Infographic by – Varonis

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