Career Breaks and You: What They Are and How to Take One – Infographic

Career breaks, extended periods away from your job, can do wonders for you and your career. Unlike a vacation, a career break is typically at least one month long, with some lasting upwards of one or two years.

Beyond giving you some time off to relax, why would you want to take a career break? Well, a lot of reasons.

Career breaks can open the door to travel, give you the time to learn new skills, or give you clarity on your job and career trajectory. Some people even use a career break as the time they need to finally launch their own business. In short, career breaks can be used for virtually anything.

Career breaks are likely sounding pretty great by now. So, how do you go about taking one, and is a break right for you? Bestow has created this great infographic on how to take a career break, that covers the types of career breaks, the pros and cons of different breaks, and how to recover after a break!

How to Thrive While Taking a Career Break:

Career Breaks and You: What They Are and How to Take One - Infographic

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