Can I Live Well on a 50K Salary? The Tabulated Answer for 30 American Cities – Infographic

Here’s a statistical fact: the average household income in the United States is $57,617. The average personal income, in contrast, is $31,099. Therefore, on the face of it, a 50K annual salary is quite comfortable. However, whether there’s a healthy cushion after paying for standard living essentials like food, medical expenses, housing and transportation, is the more relevant question.

Take a look at this infographic that charts expenditure data across 30 American cities and, then, maps three benchmark salaries onto them – the results offer fresh perspective on value of salaries.

How Far a 50K Salary Would Get You in 30 American Cities:

Can I Live Well on a 50K Salary? The Tabulated Answer for 30 American Cities - Infographic

Infographic by – TitleMax

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