How Climbing Up Tall Towers is Great for Calorie-Burning! – Infographic

If you’re of the lucky few who can tuck into fries and burgers and not worry about the pounds creeping in, stop reading right now! But, heh, let’s be honest – you’re close to mythical! Because eating fatty foods is going to do its bit of damage!

However, if you love the idea of eat-hard-exercise-harder, this infographic is perfect for you! Imagine the joy of marching up the steps of Eiffel Tower to neutralize the effect of 1 slice of Cheddar or run quickly up the Seattle Space Needle to compensate for the Naan bread?! Enjoy!

How Many Calories Would You Burn Climbing the World’s Tallest Buildings?

How Climbing Up Tall Towers is Great for Calorie-Burning! - Infographic

Infographic by – Shoe Zone

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