How to Always Buy Fresh, Ripe, Ready-to-Eat Fruits and Veggies: Simple Tricks and Tips – Infographic

Everybody’s been through the experience (not once, but every now and then!) of picking up ‘ripe’ fruit, only to find that, on the inside, it’s either under-ripe or over-ripe! Unfortunately, as producers try and increase their profit margins by reducing the time from crop to market, it’s the consumer who lands up with a raw deal (it could be a squishy and mushy deal too!)

Here’s an infographic that shows you exactly how to determine the readiness of specific fruits and vegetables. No more disappointing, inedible and money-wasted choices, ever again!

How To Pick Fresh, Ripe Fruits And Vegetables Every Single Time:

How to Always Buy Fresh, Ripe, Ready-to-Eat Fruits and Veggies: Simple Tricks and Tips - Infographic

Infographic by – Pounds to Pocket

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