Blueberries: Plump and Powerful Nutrition Dynamites – Infographic

The frenetic pace of modern lifestyles is increasingly calling attention to our dietary habits, and the need to consciously introduce nutrition-strong foods into our daily meals. This is where those innocuous looking dark-blue berries are doing a little victory dance, packed as they’re with Vitamin C, Fiber and Manganese! It’s also no wonder that these little dynamos are the subject of critical medical research.

Check this infographic for the whole power-packed story of blueberries. Ensure there’s always a bunch in the fruit basket! And try the featured blueberry recipes like gluten-free blueberry pancakes, savory blueberry pizzas, etc.!

Blueberries: Plump and Powerful Nutrition Dynamites - Infographic

Infographic by – USHBC

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