Why Millennial Consumers are Delighted by the Benefits of D2C Marketing – Infographic

As markets and consumers develop, and marketing strategies evolve to keep pace with changing structures, various business models have emerged and have become ‘branded’ methods – B2B or business-to-business commercial transactions, B2C or business-to-consumer direct transactions, C2C or consumer-to-consumer, C2B or consumer-to-business, etc.

The new model on the block that is fast gaining popularity is D2C – Direct-to-Consumer. Direct to consumer marketing is not a novel concept – mail order catalogues which enabled consumers to bypass retail stores has been there for decades. Its evolution into a powerful modern marketing tool is discussed in this infographic.

How to Implement a Winning D2C Marketing Strategy:

Why Millennial Consumers are Delighted by the Benefits of D2C Marketing - Infographic

Infographic by – Fundera

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