6 Key Benefits of a Hosted Desktop – Infographic

Hosted Desktop, as known as Desktop as a Service (DaaS) or Cloud Desktop or Virtual Desktop is getting tremendous popularity among SMEs during Covid-19 pandemic. It’s primarily because of the 6 key benefits that Hosted Desktop offers and enables secure remote work.

Key Benefits:

1. Remote working: Businesses can now allow their employees to work remotely from home or from any location. This provides more flexibility, increases productivity, job satisfaction and employee morale.

2. Reduced IT Infrastructure & maintenance costs:With hosted desktop solutions, you don’t need to purchase expensive servers, significantly reduced maintenance costs, save money on salaries, server room space and electricity bills.

3. No more hassle:No pain of handling IT infrastructure maintenance and troubleshooting, software upgrades, antivirus management, security patches, all this is included.

4. Reliable data backups: Get automatic backups – which are tested at regular intervals to ensure that they work.

5. Better security:Everything is stored in highly secure data centres with encrypted remote access.

6. Easy to scale: Gives you flexibility to scale your requirements as you grow and pay as per user or usage.

6 Key Benefits of a Hosted Desktop - Infographic

Infographic by – Tech Results Ltd

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