Be Aware Of These 50 Subjective Realities Created By You – Infographic

Being judgemental towards other people’s situations and staying lenient towards our own is very normal behavior. We all tend to look at an incident from our own perception and then proceed to produce the final verdict too. When a person deviates from making a rational judgment to making one that suits their perception is known as cognitive bias or subjective reality.

This infographic has listed 50 such cognitive biases along with suitable examples to help you try to steer clear of these traits. This will not only make you a better person, but it could also help change those around you. If everyone tries to be less judgemental and more compassionate we can overcome any hurdles and this world would become easier to survive in.

50 Cognitive Biases to be Aware of so You Can be the Very Best Version of You:

Be Aware Of These 50 Subjective Realities Created By You - Infographic

Infographic by – TitleMax

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